Opening of the Visual Arts Exhibit unbolts in the Parochial Auditorium

DAPITAN CITY - The opening of the Visual Arts Exhibit and the start of the "On-the-Spot" Painting highlighted the first day of the Second Handuraw celebration at 3:00 p.m., December 27, 2007 in the Parochial Auditorium.

The affair began with the customary cutting of ribbon which signaled the formal opening of the said exhibit.

A lecture was given by Mr. Christopher E. Rollo, head of the Committee on Visual Arts, National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) together with Dapitan City Vice Mayor Patri "Jing" Bajamunde Chan.

In his discussion on "Rizal as an Artist" Mr. Rollo stressed on the deeds and attributes of Rizal that paved way for him to be recognized as a good artist and his role in the City of Dapitan especially in shaping the Dapitanons towards art appreciation and application.

Later, Hon. Patri Chan delivered her welcome annotations in behalf of Dapitan City Mayor Dominador Garcia Jalosjos, right after the doxology and the singing of the Philippine National Anthem.

Subsequently, the guest lecturer Hon. Don Gurrea, Mindanao Coordinator for the Committee on Visual Arts and the National Commission for Culture and the Arts gave his talk.

The event was finally concluded by the closing remarks of Hon Patri Chan.

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