“Enjoy life to its fullest” - Mayor Uy

"You won’t fully enjoy a swing unless you raise your feet from the ground. You won’t fully enjoy your ride unless you remove the rope-snap from the riverbank. Your dog won’t fully enjoy a dog life unless you remove the chain from its neck."
Thus, stressed Dipolog City Mayor Evelyn Tang Uy as she expounded the lesson on"not limiting one’s self when it comes to learning and happiness" to the athletes, faculty and students who attended the opening program of the 5th Jose Rizal Memorial State College (JRMSC) Systemwide Meet in association with the celebration of the 11th JRMSC Founder’s Week on November 20, 2007, Tuesday.

At first, she congratulated the entire JRMSC System saying that "this annual spectacle is not only to commemorate the ideals of our founder which this noble institution is built for leaders and productive citizens of our community.
It is important that you have to develop the competitive and positive attitudes within you so that you may succeed in everything that you do," added Mayor Uy. Mayor Uy also explained that the conduct of annual athletic competition is not only a venue wherein all of the participants can develop their skills and boost their confidence but this can also be a "truthful learning experience for one to be able to cherish victory, to accept defeat and to strive hard for the next."
She also requested the athletes to inculcate in their minds that "this competition is not only about winning the prize but more importantly, this is about winning friends and earning the respect of coaches."
She added that "at the end of the day the victor is not only "he" who emerged on top of others but also "he" who gave his best. "Live life to its fullest. Above all, let us always remember to give our God all praises and glory to renew all our strength and to guide our lives from day-to-day for without Him, we can do nothing," she added.
The speech of Hon. Uy was delivered by Mrs. Rose Miranda, Civil Registrar of Dipolog City.

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