2007 General Orientation sets-off

Embracing the theme, “Creating a Healthy Academic Environment towards Student’s Welfare and Development”, the Office of Student Services of JRMSC Main Campus had set- off the 2007 Orientation Program for freshmen and transferees on June 15, 2007 at the JRMSC Inner Quadrangle Stage.

The main objective of the said orientation program was to inform the students of the school policies, regulations, their rights, duties and other offerings of the institution, which include educational policies, different extension programs, student services and other development programs at hand.

In the morning, among the topics explicated and updated by the different speakers from the college faculty and staff were: (a) Review of Vision, Goals, Mission and Objective (VGMO) of the College by Dr. Edgar S. Balbuena, JRMSC System President; (b) College Educational Policies, Projects and Programs by Dr. Cecilia S. Saguin, VP for Academic Affairs; (c) Extension Services by Dr. Evelyn R. Campiseño, VP for Planning, Research and Extension Concerns; (d) School Policy and Discipline by Dr. Julianel A. Potoy, Campus Administrator; (e) Registrar’s Policy by Mrs. Marissa M. Recapente, College Registrar; (f) Attendance, School Fees, Examination, Grades, Honors, and Student Assistants by Prof. Estela C. Macario, Dean of Student Affairs and Services; (g) Scholarships and Financial Assistance by Dir. Jay D. Telen, Director of Scholarships; and (h)Student Housing Services by Dr. Joseph Salvel R. Campiseño, Director of Linkages and Housing.

The afternoon assembly was commenced by the talk about the Supreme Student Government which was fairly discussed the SSG Adviser, Mr. Josemilo P. Jacinto. Subsequently, Mrs. Dina H. Gallemit, Coordinator of Spiritual Development, conversed about Multi- faith Services, which was then followed with the deliberative discussions on National Service Training Program Policy by Dr. Victor L. Eguia, NSTP Director; Sports Development Programs by Felix D. Tagbac, PESA Director; Cultural Programs by Miss Jona M. Omisol, Director of Cultural Affairs; Health Services by Dr. Rafael Zaragoza, College Physician; Student Organizations by Prof. Pio C. Minerales, Dir. of Student Organizations; Guidance Services by Mrs. Judelyn J. Gallemit, Guidance Counselor; Security Services by Mr. Dulas E. Bagsican, Dir. of Security Services; and School Publication by Mrs. Janet Grace R. Sarzuelo, School Paper Adviser.

Greenhorns of the college were indeed enlightened with all the information they need to know about JRMSC’s four functions- instruction, research, extension and production.
The program was also highlighted with the various divertissements rendered by the Lundayan Choristers and Dance Troupe.

The said general orientation was hosted by Dennis A. Maghanoy, incumbent Editor-in-chief, and Ma. Shiela E. Dalogdog, CED Governor.

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